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来源:学大教育 时间:2014-04-24 14:15:30



A: 听选单词: 5%

1. It’s time to clean the classroom.    2.Whose skirt do you think? Han Mei‘s.

3.Look at the clothes on Mrs Green’s line. 4.Polly is the name of my bird.

5.We must look after our desks and chairs.

B: 听对话,回答问题: 10%

6.A: Is Tim on duty today?         B: No, Jim is on duty today.

Q: Who‘s on duty today?

7.A: Are Mr Brown’s shoes black or brown? B: They are black.

Q: What colour are Mr Brown‘s shoes?

8.A: Excuse me, what’s the time. please?  B: Let me see. Oh, it‘s 11:15.

Q: What’s the time now?          It‘s time to go home.

9.A: Is this watch yours, Mike?      B: Yes, it’s mine. It looks very new.

Q: Is Mike‘s watch new or old?

10.A:Hello, Is that 87215693?       B: No, that’s wrong. It‘s 87325691.

Q:What’s the number?

11.A:What can you see on the tree, Bill?  B: I can see many bananas on it.

Q:What‘s on the tree?           It’s a banana tree.

12.A:Are these schoolbags yours, Tom and Jim?

B:No, they aren‘t ours. They are the twins’.

Q:Whose schoolbags are these?

13.A:Li Lei‘s computer is nice. Do you have one?

B:Yes, I have one, too.         Q: Is Li Lei’s computer nice?

14.A:Tom, what‘s on the table?       B: A cup.

Q:Is a clock or a cup on the table?

15.A:Excuse me. Tom! Do you see Miss Li? B: Yes, I do. She’s in Class 6.

Q:Where is Miss Li?

C: 听问句,选答语: 5% 16-20:

a. Whose is that red dress?     b. What‘s the time?

c. Who’s on duty this afternoon?  d. What colour are your trousers?

e. Who‘s that girl in the boat?

D: 听短文:10%

在21-25五个句子中填入一个所缺的单词; 26-30个句子判断正(T)误(F)

21.Joan’s parents are in China. 22.I want a sweater like this.

23.The girl in the purple blouse is my daughter.

24.It‘s a quarter to nine.    25.The children like to play with toy animals.

26-30: T or F

This is my bedroom. You can see a desk in it. There are some books on the desk. The walls are white and the windows are green. You can see two pictures on one of the walls, a picture of my family. and a picture of our school. You can see some flowers under the window. My bedroom is small. but it is very nice. I like it very much.



A: 听选单词: 5%    1.b  2.b  3.d  4.c 5.c

B: 听对话,回答问题: 5%

6.a 7.c  8.a  9.a  10.b 11.c 12.b 13.b 14.b 15.d

C: 听问句,选答语: 5%   16.a 17.c 18.b 19.d 20.e

D: 听短文10% 在21-25五个句子中填入一个所缺的单词,对26-30个子判断正(T)误(F)

21.parents 22.want 23.daughter 24.It’s 25.with

26.T  27.F  28.T  29.F  30.F


I. 词汇: 15%

A: 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:5%

1.boxes 2.mine 3.these 4.Whose 5.is

B: 根据句子意思,填上适当的单词,该词的首字母已给:(写出完整单词)5%

1.street 2.heavy 3.American 4.sky 5.gloves/glasses


1.women 2.them 3.sisters 4.animal 5.see

Ⅱ.句子配对:4%   1.G  2.D  3.B  4.C  5.H  6.A 7.E  8.F


1. Does… know  2.aren‘t any  3.put on your 4. parents

5.There are   6. Whose skirt  7.What’s 8.or

9. I… my name  10.How      11.How many


1.England   2.give     3.look the same 4.photo   5.on duty

6.look after  7.between…and… 8.broom     9.listen to 10.Let‘s


1.c  2.a  3.b  4.a  5.c  6.a  7.b  8.b  9.a  10.d

11.c  12.d  13.b  14.b  15.c  16.a  17.a  18.b  19.b  20.a


1.b   2.a  3.c  4.b  5.a  6.b  7.c  8.b  9.a  10.c


1.d   2.a  3.c  4.d  5.b  6.c  7.a  8.d  9.d  10.c

Ⅷ. 阅读理解: 16%

A. 1.c  2.b  3.a  4.d  5.d   B: 1.a  2.c  3.d

