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来源:学大教育 时间:2015-11-30 14:13:57


我们那时候正坐在商店里\N有个人进来 We were in a store and a guy in that store... 就叫我们去参军 ...told us to put our uniforms on.

“你到底在说什么?” "what the hell are you talking about?" 他说:“美国与日本开战了” He says, "The USA is in a war with Japan." 我们压根儿就不敢相信 We couldn't believe it.

我们的国家被攻击了 Well, our country was attacked. 这是不同的 It's different.

这与朝鲜战争或越南战争不同 It wasn't like Korea or Vietnam. 我们被攻击了 We were attacked.

你知道,这种感觉„ And, you know, it was a feeling that...

或许我们是乡下老实人 ...maybe, we're just dumb country people but... 但我们很多人都自愿参军 ...where I come from a lot of us volunteered.

“谁要自愿加入坦克部队?” "Who would like to volunteer for the Tank Corps? “谁要自愿加入空军?” "Who would like to volunteer for the Air Force?

“谁要自愿加入海军?” "Who would like to volunteer for the Navy?" or whatever. 他们又说 And then, they said:

“谁愿意加入空降师?” "Who would like to volunteer for the Airborne?" 什么是“空降”啊? Somebody says, "What the hell's the Airborne?" 根本没有人听过 Nobody ever heard of it.

我们来自一个很小的城镇 We came from a small, small town.

镇上有三个人因为体检不合格而自杀 And three fellows in that town that were 4F... 因为他们不能从军 ...committed suicide because they couldn't go. 真是个不同的年代 A different time. 我们做了些事 I did things.

不是为了勋章或荣誉 I didn't do them for medals.

我们做那些事只因那是必须做的事 I didn't do them for accolades. I did 'em because it's what had to be done.

各位,当你跳出飞机 The guy says, "would you jump out of airplanes?

你带着所有陆军给你的配备 "You know, you got all your army equipment...

跳出飞机,准备与敌人作战 "...and you jump out of airplanes, to fight the enemy." 我们说“去死吧” These guys, they said, "Go to hell." 没有人举起手 Nobody put up their hands.

我不知道是谁提起的 And then, I don't know what it was brought it up... 但有个人演讲提到 ...but the guy giving the speech was saying: 你一个月可以多赚50块钱 "But you get paid $50 a month more." 所以那就是100块 So, that made it a hundred bucks.

